Lightbulb House

Housing and Benefit Advocacy

Our Access Service:

At Bench Outreach, we provide tailored support to individuals facing housing challenges and financial insecurity. Our dedicated team of advocates helps clients navigate complex housing systems, secure their rightful benefits, and work towards long-term financial independence. Through our advocacy, we aim to reduce homelessness, promote social inclusion, and ensure that everyone has access to safe, secure housing and the resources they need for a stable future.

To get in touch with an advocate, you can:

Call us: 02086947740


We also provide satellite services at the following locations:
2000 Community Action Centre
199-201 Grove St,
London, SE8 3PG
Thursday: 10am – 3pm

Clyde Nursery School
Alverton St,
London, SE8 5NH
Thursday: 10am – 1pm

The 999 Club
21 Deptford Broadway,
London, SE8 4PA
Tuesday: 1pm – 3pm

We also offer outreach support for those unable to attend the office. 

SLeeping Rough?

Are you rough sleeping or concerned about a rough sleeper? Ring Street Link on 0300 500 0914 or click the logo below

